This term typically encompasses the era spanning from the late 1940s to the 1960s, during which Bollywood created some of its most iconic and long-lasting films, featuring legendary actors and...
A set of colorful maps visualizing the first or last letter of each country's name.
In addition, small multiples for each letter (that appears at least once as the first or last letter,...
Netherlands vs Costa Rica World Cup game analysis. Team´s Players concentration movement in field, ball possession, shots and scores, etc.
Using the "BioFabric" method of depicting network diagrams, "A Chamber Divided" looks at historical co-voting percentages within the U.S. Senate. Over time bi-partisanship and intra-party variation...
World Cup 2018 was over on July 15th, with 169 goals scored in 64 matches. After it ended, we made this mobile-friendly interactive piece, mapping out all 169 shots in one soccer field and animated...
Today, for the first time, BBC News, working with the Office for National Statistics, is providing you with a way of understanding your risk of being a victim of crime in England and Wales. If you...
While it may seem that the Internet is boundless, much of the world is still without an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This two-page visual illustrates, by continent, IP addresses, at the end of...
Turkey’s deadliest quakes in modern times may have also unleashed a health catastrophe for generations to come. Asbestos, silica, mercury and lead are among thousands of toxins released by the huge...
Heights of 13million buildings in England. Data is from LiDAR data & building outlines open data.
The visualization uses vector map tiles (from Open Street Map basemaps), MapboxGL, Angular JS,...
Instant data analysis and visual overview of the results of the 2017 general election in Germany as they came in. A team effort that included work from designers, developers and data...
DashboardBot is an algorithm-driven design tool applied to data visualization. It generates variations of designs for dashboard and different graphs.
DashboardBot is inspired by...
Contrapedal was the first project of the "Datalab" of X-DATA, a Mexican data analytics and visualization company. Miguel Zúñiga, information designer and creator of Contrapedal, mixed his two...
Visual narrative in video developed for the World Editors Forum congress in July 2016 in Cartagena. Design and animation were signed by Datadot and the visual narrative was idealized by Ricardo...
Sometimes we have to challenge readers' sensibility so we can build a better world. This cut-out infographic includes a mid-upper-arm circumference (or MUAC) bracelet, which is used to help assess...
New research shows that Supreme Court justices are more likely to vote in line with their ideology when casting a pivotal vote. The findings raise serious questions about the neutrality of the...
This is a look at a few of the top musical artists in the UK and US. Visualised for each artist is their country of origin, top 25 hits (in either the UK or US), and the country the song peaked...
Inspired by the approach of our design studio we created an interactive annual review for 2017 based on the hours we worked. Through a navigable timeline, you can see projects that we've worked on...
The friendship of an American Girl Doll is a rite of passage for many young women.
This visualization combines American Girl dolls (represented by Blue bars) with girls born in the US with the...
An immersive motion-sensitive experience showing the disastrous impact of plastic in our oceans.
The Blue Paradox is a powerful and thought-provoking exhibit that raises awareness of the plastic...
The project investigates the problem of air pollution in modern megapolices.
The main purpose was to tell about the influence of different urban systems on environment, their correlation and role...
The Lifespan Of News Stories is a collaboration between Schema, Google News Initiative, Alberto Cairo and Axios. The project analyzes the shape of search interest data from the top news stories of...
“The way we treat our bodies and extract and exploit our own energy, mirrors the way we collectively treat the precious resources of our planet” – Ruby May
The impact of internet use on the environment is a contradictory topic. This impact differs according to the reduction/increase of carbon emissions that end up affecting the environment. For...