This visualization uses a series of relatively simple but well-designed charts to tell an intriguing story about diversity. The first sections aim at quantifying the lack of diversity in the first...
As a unique cultural treasure of Nanjing, Yun brocade represents the highest level of Chinese weaving technology. This work takes the weaving technology of Nanjing brocade as the main information...
Combat sports are part of the fabric of Hong Kong culture, best represented by the city’s favourite son: martial artist, film director and actor, Bruce Lee. In this data visualisation we stake Hong...
The number of cases is rising, more and more people are dying and yet: we read and write mainly about statistics and hardly about people. How can we bring humanity back to the emotionless...
This visualisation graph below shows the running schedule for 1030 runners who are logging their data with Discovery Vitality in South Africa and have done at least one run over 80 km. Each row...
Voter Turnout in RI is a datastory that allows the public to take an easy-to-use deep dive into data describing the where, who, and how of turnout in recent RI elections. Using a combination of...
I'm incredibly pragmatic (I'm a sun sign Capricorn aka pragmatic to a fault) and wanted to create a project where I don't use typical ways of visualizing data, aka charts, and instead create...
The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an unprecedented rate.
Amid deforestation, pesticide use,...
This is visualization of arbitrary vector fields. A vector field assigns velocity and direction to every point on a plane. I drop thousands of particles on a plane and let them flow according to...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...
For decades, Germany's major cities - all cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, from Salzgitter to Berlin - attracted people from the countryside. But data show that the trend has reversed....
data from an annual barometer led for AXA (insurance). last year, it was focused on youth because young people represent a sur representative rate of death on the road than the part they represent...
Platts removes an element of confusion in the oil markets...
S&P Global Platts has created the first ever interactive Periodic Table of Oil. It unravels the complexity of the $1.7 trillion...
Understanding the poverty situation and its many layers in London boroughs.
This is a poster intended to be displayed in metro stations in the place where people wait. As users do not have much...
This work contains data on the past of the African-American community: both pride and horror. The central piece of this graph is a curved bar chart that shows the number of enslaved people brought...
This survey is an estimate of the political balance of power at the time of the survey, not a prediction of the outcome of the upcoming elections.
The reliability of a survey depends on its...
AtF Spark is a font that allows for the combination of text and visual data to show an idea and evidence in one headline. Sparklines are currently available as plugins or javascript elements. By...
Dimensionality reduction is a powerful technique used by data scientists to look for hidden structure, producing visualizations that reveal patterns and clusters in data. Even though the data is...
The shark is the most ferocious fish in the ocean. The shark existed on the earth three hundred million years before the advent of the dinosaurs, but we did not know that there were many different...
Accurat helps global leaders identify core challenges and develops custom data-driven solutions that seamlessly integrate into internal workflows.
This information graphic was shown in the annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2011. The number of wealthy people at the top of the pyramid equals about one percent of the global population....
Older people are inclined to accuse younger ones of spending all their time in front of screens. Actually, those in their 60s are as guilty as those in their teens – and the amount of time that all...
This story looks into the world of martial arts and the difference between its portrayals in the media versus its reality. We produced this story in hopes of cultivating greater and more nuanced...
Nothing beats an illustration project that involves all my favourite things - food, food and food.
Be it Western or Asian, of different flavour, of different culture.
"The Impatient List" is a storytelling piece that calls the general public 's attention to patients of the kidney transplant in the United States. Organ transplantation is a highly collaborative...