A visual representation of how Brexit began to fragment Prime Minister Theresa May's party over time. After analysing the voting patterns of 650 members of British parliament on how they swayed,...
Where in the world would you end up if you dug in a certain direction?
As part of my master’s in interaction design, I explored how data physicalization and tangible interaction could be...
The project Suchströme (=search streams) reveals the top search trends on Google related to the German election 2021. In a series of interactive graphics, people can explore and compare the search...
The Apostle Paul and his companions crossed the Roman Empire to spread the Gospel and build the early church. This map overlays their journeys onto an interactive view of Roman provinces,...
For investors, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) criteria often lacks clarity — many funds use ESG language for promotional purposes but ultimately can’t articulate what that...
The list of scheduled speakers at the Democratic National Convention is nearly twice as long and more diverse than the Republican National Convention last week. Here's how the speakers at both...
The epidemic of a new coronavirus infection occurred suddenly for the whole world. On March 11, 2020, the WHO Director-General defined the situation with the spread of a new coronavirus infection...
Explore your favourite “based on a true story” films scene-by-scene, beat-by-beat and test their veracity on a data level.
Obviously watch out – **MEGA SPOILERS**
The data is based on Indian folk art. The data I researched through google some websites, blogs, etc. I collected the information and ideated how to visualize information in a sorted way. I used...
With the collapse of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, the 2008 Financial Crisis became full blown economic downturn which eventually led to the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression of...
Nasa's Voyager 1 spacecraft was on target to become the first man-made object to leave the solar system. We wanted to take users on Voyager's journey past the planets. But we also wanted to give...
Resurfacing the Past is a data-driven story that explores the naval history of World War II. Underpinning the story is a manually curated dataset of more than 15,000 sunken ships. By visualizing...
One of the joys of working at the Guardian is that playfulness is very much “on brand.” We knew election results and delegate trackers would be everywhere this year (mostly using the same AP data),...
This infographic (researched and published primarily to inform Members of the Oireachtas / Irish parliamentarians) provides a visual, non-exhaustive overview of key (2017) performance statistics...
The latest presidential race in the Czech Republic was hugely polarized. This infographic is to show exactly that - from one extreme to the other with all 6000+ municipalities between.
A series of maps explain how President Assad’s military – backed by Russian warplanes – have been waging a harsh campaign against an array of rebel factions in Syria’s bloody conflict.
Our ancestors conducted friendly exchanges through the Silk Road long time ago.Although it was named "Silk Road", in the trade on this artery, besides silk, lacquerwork and all kinds of rare...
On the anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, we measure (for measure) 97 times his plays inspired us. He began writing plays by 1592, and they appear roughly in this order. He died on April 23, 1616,...
Beyond the most popular Chinatowns of major cities, including those of Manhattan, New York and San Francisco, California, the United States once contained over fifty self-described Chinatowns in...
In the city of Bristol, in the southwest of England, up to 260 people a year die as a result of air pollution. That’s 5 people a week. Most of these deaths are caused by particulates released by...
On February 24, 2023, the first anniversary of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine was commemorated, and we decided to create a piece that would synthesize all the political, economic, and human...
Instead of writing yet another paper, I handed in this visualization for the LERU Bright 2013 Student Conference which will be held in August in Freiburg, Germany. This year's conference topic is...
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
What does your cat get up to once it leaves the cat flap? BBC Horizon teamed up with the Royal Veterinary College and Lincoln and Bristol universities to investigate the secret life of domestic...
StockX is a popular online marketplace for buying and selling sneakers and clothing. As someone interested in both sneakers and data, I felt that it would be interesting to see what insights I...