As the global temperature continues to rise, not only humans, but also the creatures on Earth are greatly affected. Despite the overwhelming news on global warming on the Internet, the impact of...
Jim Sergent analyzed the results from 24 years of NFL drafts to show how quarterbacks selected in the first round fall short of expectations more often than not.
If you can't see the graphic,...
Data visualization des intoxications alimentaires par type de restaurant et aliment mis en cause, sur la base de 647 incidents recensés et dont l’origine a pu être identifiée en Angleterre et au...
In Tanzania LGBTQ people face discrimination and persecution. #IamBinadam (which means #IamHuman in Swahili) highlights the stigma experienced by LGBTQ Tanzanians and aims to foster empathy among...
The Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) tool is an interactive online resource that establishes a current and shared knowledge base for worldwide commercially available offerings of...
In 2012, fourteen buildings on Beijing's central axis were included in China's preliminary list of world heritage sites. As the historical and cultural buildings of the ancient capital of the six...
Given the increasing prevalence of wildfires in the United States, specifically on the west coast, I took a look at the trend of wildfires over the last 10 years in California. My design aim was to...
Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty?
The Opportunity Atlas answers this question using anonymous data following 20 million Americans from...
Series of graphic representations that reconstruct the game tree of eight of the best players in chess history. To plot the game trees, it has been used a database composed of more than 10,000...
A day before I was given a brief to present information on a personal habit over a period of a week I started a very bland and uninteresting low carbohydrate diet because I needed to cut down to a...
Medicaid-accepted mental health clinics are critical to providing more people with the opportunity to get the care they need. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find the appropriate clinics for...
Snakes reveal historical trend and highlight present situation. Snake heads (biggest bubbles) show current number while the tails show past. It balances the importance of present and history.
Prices and Earnings is an interactive report visualizing and analyzing data about the purchasing power of different professions for standardized baskets of goods. The data covers 77 cities around...
This piece makes a case for why Brett Kavanaugh's nomination is important and might be the most lasting effect of Donald Trump's presidency.
It starts with an explanation of the Supreme Court...
The project comprises a publicly accessible, interactive webmap, aimed to communicate the rise and fall of London’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) temporally over the course of the 2 year COVID...
This visualization is a bit unique, as the design does not represent any actual measurement of data, but it is built using data and mathematics, and the design is fully up to the user. Users can...
Subjective visualization about growth and developpement of the (at this time) most populated country in the world.
From far away, as appealing as a visual poster.
But Closer, subtile visualised...
Together with non-profit organization we wanted to change the positioning of blood donation, to remove fears and concerns before the procedure. Thereby increase the number of regular donors.
A visualisation created for Tableau's IronViz 2023 competition that came second in the EMEA region. This visualisation tells the story of England's victorious Rugby World Cup campaign, detailing...
Artwork for BBC Science Focus.
The visualization shows the space debris, categorized according to their average distance from Earth and the type of object.
For each type, the number of...
A while ago I had the idea of analysing texts from books and compare words, letters across time periods, languages...
So far I've been looking at the letter content in four different languages...
In 2016, Shanghai Tower, the tallest skyscraper in China opened to the public, which contributed to the completeness of Shanghai skyline.
Since the early 1990s, Lujiazui has been developed...
The oceans are full of rubbish: around ten
million tons of plastic flood the world's oceans every year. Single-use plastic is mass-produced but rarely recycled. The structures for collecting and...
The R, Python and D3.js graph galleries are three websites that display more than a thousand chart examples with their reproducible code, using the three main programming languages currently used...
This piece is designed to celebrate the hard work, the dedication, and the collaboration around the world to end polio. We are so close to achieving polio eradication, and we can not give up now.
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...