Using the American Time Use Survey in combination with commonly accepted research for how long it takes to accomplish common dream-oriented tasks such as running a marathon, reading the Bible, and...
A comprehensive visualization about wealth distribution around the world. While 10% of the world population own about 85% of the global wealth, the poorest 50% get just 1% of it.
The visualization...
Although dialogue can be seen as a way to awake emotion in an audience, it also has a logical and constructive nature. It can be used as a way of seeing the overarching hierarchy and plot of a...
This data visualization focuses on the maternal mortality rates across the globe and sheds light on factors that play an important role in its prevalence, as well as causes of death.
I love trail running. And I love data and infographics. And running the UTMB ,considered to be the holy grail among ultra runners, is on my bucketlist. So I combined all these passions in a...
An interactive tool for healthcare providers to explore data from clinical trials. Peer-reviewed manuscripts can only describe a small fraction of the data generated in a clinical trial. Our tool...
This creative information display makes visual comparisons of my own genetic sequence with that of my grandmother. This work was created with a custom Color SVG Font, “DNA Loops”, which allows a...
This animation has been generated using flight position data which has been sampled every 10 seconds from the OpenSkyNetwork.
It provides a journey in visualizing how busy the skies are early...
Hindu Mythology is a rich treasure trove of legends and fables. Vishnu is one of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism, responsible for protecting the Universe. The legend of the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu...
Structuring and organising information has always been a way to familiarise myself with new things. It’s how I understand and interact with information systems around me. It’s also how I learn new...
Genre is a love letter to video games.
It's a pop explosion of color and an exploration of game sales across across 3 decades, 3 console manufactures, 19 systems, and 12 genres.
Every element...
We use graphic information to express Chinese poetry rhyme.The sound information is displayed through the visual language which is shape,color and so on.Our works make modern people more intuitive...
An infographic covering an overview of the fight against tobacco use and its cost to society in the UK. Information was taken from the NHS, ASH and Kaggle. Additional graphics were taken from Flat...
Commercial companies like SpaceX are starting to gain traction in the space industry. There are currently more than a dozen private rocketscapsules and spaceplanes under development, with more on...
A Reuters in-depth analysis of flight tracking data revealed the movements and patterns of aircraft operating during the complex evacuation of Kabul city after the Taliban took control of the...
The Swiss Post recently presented various information and resources on e-commerce. The scrollable microsite conveys the notion of e-commerce being more than just an online shop. Interdisciplinary...
The project 'Pantheon' visualizes information about top 1000 of the globally known people born within present day the world. The visualization is based on data of Massachussets Institute of...
Data from the National UFO Reporting Center, compared against US Census Data and visualised - sightings per capita, sighting time, even trending shapes of UFOs.
Never before has Twitter played such a prominent role in an election. If Clinton or Trump wants to say something or react to news — even if it's at 3 a.m. — they don't need to coordinate a press...
In 2019, the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health selected data visualization experts Graphicacy to overhaul their flagship vaccine data...
Walt Disney's water themed ride, "it's a small world", promotes world peace and unity. This visualization mimics Charles Minard's map of Napoleon's Russia campaign of 1812. The design juxtaposes...
Alt’ai is an agent-based simulation inspired by aesthetics, culture and environmental conditions of the Altai region on borders between Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia. It is set into a...
The Strait of Hormuz is the highway for nearly a fifth of the world’s oil. But it’s located in the volatile region of the Middle East. Subsequently tankers using the route have been attacked, most...
What did I do with my all free time once Game Of Thrones ended? Made a Data viz of all the free time I spent watching GOT of course.
This data viz illustrates my not-well-though-out decision of...
This fast-paced, data visualization-themed game consists of 31 cards with 6 chart icons on each. There is one and exactly one identical chart icon on any two cards. It’s up to you to find the...